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Torque OBD2 PID File and Instructions 1

Here is my first draft of the Torque PID file for the 6.5TD trucks for those Torque aware who want to start testing. A few of you have been anxious to test so I am posting a pre-final release here to test with.

I will be putting this all into a doc once I get some time so it is easy for all to use.

Sorry my knowledge here is only on Android as I do not "Apple" and never will.

My testing is all with:
- 2001 H1 Wagon
- OBDLink MX - Bluetooth version
- Android 7 phone / Android 6 tablet
- Paid version of Torque Pro
- Torque Pro V1.8.199 or higher

Note: For some reason the board will not allow CSV files to be uploaded. Not sure why as they are harmless text but you will have to rename the file you download from the .txt to .csv as the extension. I tried using .csv, .csv_file, .vsc but all are denied so I used ".txt".

Once only you need to perform the following on your Android phone/tablet:
(You do not need to perform these steps if you update the file later)
- Open Torque App
- Select Gear icon in lower left corner of main menu
(Not the layout view but the main menu prior to selecting Realtime Information)
- Select "Settings"
- Select Manage Extra PIDs/Sensors
- Select 3 dots in top right
- Select add predefined set
- Select "Pontiac / GM / Opel / Vauxhall"
- Back to "Settings" menu
- Select "Units"
- Ensure you select "Use Miles", "Use psi"
- Ensure you deselect "Use Celcius"
- Back out and close Torque app
- Re-open Torque app and check that the Units settings were retained
- Repeat above steps if not saved
(I have observed them not working the first time)

On your computer:

- Download the file - "H1PIDs_Imp.txt"
- Plug your phone into your computer
- Open Windows Explorer
- Rename file the "H1PIDs_Imp.txt" to "H1PIDs_Imp.csv"
(If you don't know how to change known file extensions google:
how to rename file types in windows explorer)
- Copy file to "Download" directory on the phone

On your phone:
- Use a file explorer app
- Ensure Show Hidden Files is enabled in the explorer apps settings
- Use the explorer app to copy the file from "Download" directory to:
".torque\extendedpids\" directory
(Note the "." (period) in front of the Torque dir

- Overwrite any file there that has the same name.
- Restart Torque
- Return to the addition of Extended PIDs as described in detail above.
- You will now have "H1PIDs_Imp" listed along with GM, Chrysler etc..
- Select it.
- A bunch of new PIDs will now be available
- All will be prefixed with "[H1TD]"

If you do not change the name of the PIDs as I update the file with corrected values/formulas etc. you can easily clear the old and add the new file without losing any config. This means your layouts and alarms will automatically get the updated formulas etc.

I am confident in about 90% of the values in this file and still tuning/vetting the rest.

Sorry fellow Canadians first release is in "US" units primarily (except for fuel rate) so I can get the widest validation. Metric will follow after these are all validated.

Some values are duplicates of the base OBD2 required PIDs but these are the genuine GM PIDs for those values.

I frequently use the Clear option (under the Settings - Manage extra PIDs/Sensors) then re-add the new file as I test as I have many with the prefix [H1TST] and [H1BAD] as I continue to document and research new PIDs. This way I know I always have the most current.
First release
Last update


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